Posted in School

¡Aki vamos, a aprender/ enseñar Español! Here we go, to learn or teach Spanish!

¡Gracias por visitarme! Thanks for joining me!

La aventura comienza para todos ahora. Ya hacia mucho tiempo que deseaba comenzar un blog, un lugar especial donde pudiera compartir con otros educadores y entusiastas del idioma español. Espero usemos este lugar para crecer, formas comunidades y amistades. Muchos educadores distribuyen sus ideas y pensé que ya es tiempo para mi de “ give back too”.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton  –  indeed

This year, I started using a new textbook series “Qué Chévere” so I will be posting all my resources in hope that they are helpful to others.  Stay posted as I enter activities, resources, games and classroom ideas.  I am here to learn from others but more importantly to share many activities, tools and resources to make learning and teaching Spanish and enjoyable journey,


¡Hola! Me llamo Libertad Plamann. Madre de tres jóvenes, esposa, hija, hermana y educadora. Me encanta compartir ideas y aprender de otros.

4 thoughts on “¡Aki vamos, a aprender/ enseñar Español! Here we go, to learn or teach Spanish!

  1. Hi, hola. Thanks for the tip. I am learning to navigate this. Just want to provide a place to give activities and resources for people to learn/teach Spanish. Hopefully, I will get better at posting. Your message was posted twice so I deleted one. I appreciate the comment.


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